Monday 27 February 2012

Metasploits Auxiliary Modules

metasploits have any auxiliary modules, which one of them is ftp_versions, that is use to show the version of ftp  that running on target,, for use it like below :

first, run msfconcole
then run commands show auxiliary, it use to show all auxiliary modules

then run modules ftp_versions using command use scanner/ftp/ftp_versions,
 then run command show options, is show any option on module ftp_versions

that showing if ftp version required target address to identifier, and port of ftp on target, and thread, that have default setting port on 21 and threads 1
then set ip host of target, in here i use, that is ip host of xp in vbox in my computer.

then run

that result show version of ftp that run on target (

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