Sunday 5 February 2012

Register Structured

registers is a part of processor memory which can be accessed at  high speeds acces and always used by microprosessor as an intermediary in do their work.

register is divided into

  1. General Purpose Register
  2. Pointer dan Index Register
  3. Segmen Register
  4. Flag Register
1. General Purpose Register
    it is 16 bit register consist of AX, BX, CX and DX

2. Pointer and Index Register
 a register which is used as a pointer (pointer) to a location in memory. in 16 bit consist of SP( Stack Pointer), BP       (Base Pointer), SI (source index) and DI (destination index), and IP (instruction pointer)

3. Segment Register
   is a 16-bit registers to  record  address as a bookmark data location in memory. consist of  SS ( Stack Segment), CS ( code segment), DS (data segment), and ES (extra segment).

4. Flag Register
  is a 1-bit register that indicates the condition of a state (yes / no or 0/1)

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